Steam Brewing Company

Steam Brewing Company started in October 1995 with a little English pub out front of the brewery in East Tamaki, Auckland. The pub was called Cock & Bull. Nearly 10 years later and with the opening of 5 pubs (by May 2005) the brewery was too small and a new brewery was needed. In July 2004, Steam Brewing Company purchased the Auckland Breweries plant. Which also included a packaging line giving Steam Brewing Company the opportunity to enter the packaged beer market.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Regional Saturday in-store tasting

Saturday 19th March,11am to 4pm, saw me back in store giving tastings to the public who had come in to try the range of Cock & Bull beers.

The feedback was all very positive with the Monk's Habit flagons selling out by lunchtime.

BAR BODEGA - not only are the Cock & Bull family of beers available at Regional Wines & Spirits in Wellington, but the Fuggles Best Bitter is on hand pump at Bar Bodgea, 101 Ghuznee Street.